Court of Antiquity

Court of Antiquity

Project Description

Lumos completed master planning for this rock art site east of Sparks in the Truckee River Canyon. The objectives behind the plans included protection and interpretation, improved site access, recreation and development of a potential educational destination. A variety of access options by car, bike, foot and boat were studied and recommended. The former rest stop was converted to a learning center, with interpretation and outdoor education below the existing trees. At the rock art site rocks were recommended as trail delineators, with small classrooms backed by sound walls.

Vandalism control at the rock art would be augmented with an on-site caretaker and pole mounted cameras/lights. An interpretive signage package was completed by a sub-consultant specializing in site education and interpretation. Meetings with tribal members, the general public and the steering committee were conducted, with additional public input gathered via an on-line survey.

Lumos coordinated with the Tahoe Pyramid Trail planning group for a proposed bridge location over the I-80 freeway to the classroom area on the east side of the site. The resulting master plan included plans, phasing, cost estimating, and potential funding sources. The cost for full improvements was over $2.8 million, including the freeway ramp opening. Plans were approved by the Washoe County Parks Commission and Board of County Commissioners in late 2011.