Camanche Wastewater Treatment Plant

Amador Water Agency Wastewater Master Plan

Sutter Creek, California

Amador Water Agency (AWA) owns and operates multiple wastewater systems distributed across Amador County. These systems include conventional gravity collection systems, Septic Tank Effluent Pumped (STEP), and Septic Tank Effluent Flow (STEF) systems, as well as multiple treatment and disposal systems. In addition, this agency maintains 15 individual lift stations across its service area.

Lumos built new sewer models in a GIS platform for the conventional gravity systems and provided mass balance and kinetic calculations for the STEF/STEP treatment systems, including the partially mixed and aerated lagoon systems. The Lumos team worked closely with a utility financial consultant to develop an economic analysis for the masterplan, specifically to help AWA identify how to approach funding the CIP developed in the masterplan.

In addition, the financial consultant prepared recommendations for rate structures and capacity fees. Our final masterplan and economic analysis was presented to the AWA Board of Directors at two workshops and was unanimously approved following the final presentation to the Board.